chicago record fair

CHIRP Record Fair

Concerned in Schaumburg writes: And so the plan was born! Early bird tickets got you in for the first 2 hours starting at 8am, and then they were half price for the first week or so! Only $12 – what a deal! A standard Friday nights bevy of beers and big eats led to a […]

savers suburbs thrift store

Savers, Franklin Park IL

I took a bike ride to Bank of America to deposit some cash (it actually counts the bills! So cool).  My plan was then to ride to the grocery store 1/2 block away, then hit the liquor store on the way home.  Absent minded, I just left the bank and started heading home.  I remember […]

antique mall ohio

Jeffrey’s Antiques [Findlay OH]

Stranded for a day in/around NW Ohio, my thoughts turned to records.  After a largely disappointing trip to Bowling Green, I headed back to my hotel in Findlay to catch a nap before I finally completed the work I had come out to do, that night. On the way down the highway to Bowling Green, […]

goodwill ohio thrift store

Goodwill [Bowling Green OH]

Found a couple bins of records, the only possible candidate being ‘French Kiss’ by Bob Welch (RIP). It was hard to walk away from this one, however.

ohio record store

Finders Records [Bowling Green OH]

Had a layover at work and a day with nothing to do.  Was mildly disappointed that they only sold new vinyl but it was a beautiful store. Did find Neko Case ‘Middle Cyclone’ but was not prepared to pay $30 for it. Did find the picture disc version of one of my favorite albums in […]