goodwill record store day suburbs thrift store

‘Vinyl Day’ at Goodwill Elmhurst

                  Even Goodwill celebrates their vinyl culture and wants to get in on the RSD madness and I have no problem with that.  Or maybe I only feel that way when they load their bins with rare Chicago polka vinyl prior to my visit. The Naturals album […]

record store record store day suburbs

Record Wonderland, Roselle (RECORD STORE DAY 2017!)

I don’t celebrate Record Store Day as perhaps people feel I should, given my work on this blog.  But I also don’t celebrate record stores, an opinion I unabashedly hold, I much prefer the grime and total gamble of thrift stores and garage sales.  But when I found that a new record store had opened […]

GR michigan thrift store

The next generation of GR thrifting

Never give up, kids.  Keep on looking.  32 trips – god knows how many records.  There are always new frontiers, you must be patient.  Bethany’s was new to me and probably new(er) to GR.  Did they have records.  This, I did not know.  I do now. I darted in and made for the book section. […]

GR michigan record store

Revolve Records [Grand Rapids MI]

I’ve carefully dug through Grand Rapids many times over the years.  I’ve been in too many thrift stores to count and I’ve been through all the record stores I could find.  So during my 32rd trip to GR after I ran through two new (or at least new to me) thrift stores, I felt unfulfilled. […]

savers suburbs thrift store

Savers, Franklin Park [RIP]

Very sad news which I luckily caught in time to make one last trip to a shop that has been particularly kind to me.  It was pretty remarkable to have a legit thrift store in my hood and I’m proud to say I took good advantage of it.  I documented more than a couple trips […]

goodwill indiana thrift store

Dyer again

So let’s recap my numerous (this would be #4) visits to the Goodwill in Dyer Indiana, which has not yet been open a year.  In a short time I’ve been blessed to have been able to stop by so many times, and more specifically to have been able to get so many scores in that […]