book store west virginia

Pilgrim’s Progress [Charleston WV]

I was eating a bowl of pho across the street when my colleague noticed the sign through the window that stated “RECORDS”. I could not believe my luck. I had already checked out Charleston on my way through a few days earlier, now I knew I’d have another shot. I called the number on Google […]

church thrift stores thrift store west virginia

Mountain Mission [Charleston WV]

Mountain Mission is a charitable organization with a soup kitchen and such, as well as a thrift store on their clean grounds in Charleston.  Things started off quite auspiciously when we parked and got out, there was a glass of Kool Aid or iced tea, with ice still in the cup, just sitting in the […]

goodwill thrift store west virginia

Goodwill [Charleston WV]

So I left on a Sunday from Chicago bound for Kentucky.  I spent 4 nights there then drove to North Carolina.  Charleston was about 1/2 way so it was a prime stop for lunch and a quick chance to look for vinyls.  First up was the old standby: Goodwill. I had a brief discussion was […]